Sunday, September 19, 2010

Different food choices

So, over the past year, V's food choices have expanded. Due to the fact that his options were so very limited, we started coming up with new ideas; several were his own; as he was growing, his appetite was growing too and so were his taste buds. The following got added to his diet:
1. Pizza: He will eat all the toppings of a pizza minus the crust. That way he derives the satisfaction of eating a pizza. Every Friday for over six months, he has been ordering pizza at school on pizza day. He gets a slice; eats the cheese and pepperoni; I asked him how that was enough; his response was that he anyway eats the carrots and milk that go with it and maybe apple. So this is working well; once a week I make pizza for his lunch or dinner.
2. Melted Cheese: He melts cheese either in the toaster oven or in the microwave at a consistency that he desires.
3. Eating salad with melted cheese.
4. Eating the inside of a dumpling for instance.
I hope to keep adding to this list.

Night terrors again

So after being event free for several months as far as seizure activity goes, the night terrors happened three weeks in a row, once a week. No idea what might have triggered them. Tried different food combination elimination possibilities and tried different sleep patterns. So far, the past week was uneventful. Lets hope it continues that way. After all, life would not be half as exciting without its challenges!